It's Your Time To Play!
Consider this question: Do you want to live for as long as possible, or do you want to live well for as long as possible? The distinction between "lifespan" (how long a person might live) and "healthspan" (the period of life when you’re generally healthy and free of serious or chronic illness) is important. Extending your lifespan might mean spending years immobile, sick, or even incapacitated. On the other hand, extending your health span means extending the healthy and active part of your life and reducing the time spent dealing with chronic illnesses. It's about living an active, independent, and vital life for as long as possible.
It's important to remember the following information: Consistent physical activity is key to a long and healthy life. For example, a study published in Circulation suggests that these five behaviors could extend life by significant years at age 50+:
1. Don’t smoke
2. Maintain a healthy weight
3. Get regular physical activity (at least 30 minutes a day)
4. Consume a healthy diet
5. Drink alcohol moderately, if at all
These factors are linked to cardiovascular disease and cancer. Bestseller lists often feature titles about lifespan and related topics. Another book called “The Big Five” lists steps to living longer, including drinking coffee, exercising, getting Vitamin D, eating nuts, and meditating. After the age of 50+, maintaining or regaining strength, stamina, and flexibility is crucial.
The text below is a helpful guide to living better and longer:
Exercising and eating well lead to a healthy weight. Surveys show that Baby Boomers want to live longer and prioritize brain health. The National Academy of Sports Medicine recommends 5 ways to increase your healthspan:
1. Drink plenty of water
2. Get adequate sleep
3. Do Stretching
4. Do strength training
5. Build a community and support system
To live better and longer, taking care of your body and brain with regular Storytime exercise is essential.
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